Tag: uk
October 16, 17
I love the mistakes that come with using film.
Often, I like the mistakes more than the shots that turn out. That’s part of why I started shooting film. For the surprises.
Whenever I pick up a roll at the lab, it’s like Christmas morning. Of course, it’s sometimes a sad Christmas, like the year when I found two sweatshirts in the box that I was sure contained a Cocker Spaniel puppy. But I’m learning to take what I can get.
My friend Gemma has the most beautiful hands. I will never have hands like that.
And while we’re on the topic of beauty, two words: bacon and sandwich.
I hope your week is off to a very good start, friends.
October 15

Hi, friends. I’m in Paris now. I know I just typed that as though it were nothing, but what I meant was: I’M IN PARIS NOW! That sentence should always be written in all caps, with an exclamation point. I took the train down from London on Wednesday, and I’ve been staying with a friend. From where I’m sitting on the pullout sofa in her living room, I can hear a moped in the square outside and Night Moves on the stereo in the kitchen. She and her husband are sitting in there, at the counter. He’s doing a crossword puzzle, tapping his fingers in time. They’ve been good to me. I shot a whole roll of film in twenty…
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