Month: December 2008
Is it just me, or is anyone else feeling sort of holiday food’ed out? I never thought I would say this, but if I see another cookie, cake, or slice of chocolate pecan pie, I am going to do something crazy, like look the other way. Today, after lunch, I stood in front of the last of the cranberry upside-down cake from Christmas dinner and, fork poised in mid-air, thought, Nah, nevermind. Sometimes I hardly know myself at all.
So let’s not talk about food right now. Instead, I thought we might have a Restaurant Day. Because a major detail has been decided since I first told you about the restaurant, and we want to share it with you. Namely, the name.
The restaurant is going to be called Delancey. We chose
it because it reminds us of New York, and since Brandon’s pizza
sensibility is so rooted there, it seems fitting. It’s the name
of a street in Manhattan, as well as a subway stop, and though
it’s not in a particularly glamorous part of town, when Brandon
was living in New York, it was one of his favorite stations:
always bustling, packed with all sorts of people going to all
sorts of places. Plus, isn’t it a pretty word? To me, it feels
kind of classy and old-fashioned, like dark wood and tarnished
copper and old men in tweed suits smoking cigars. Not that the
restaurant will necessarily include any of those things, but we
like the idea.
Also, for those of you who asked and those who have speculated, Delancey will be in Ballard, on 70th Street NW, between 14th and Alonzo Avenues. There’s a sweet little strip of businesses there, and Brandon is thrilled to have snatched a spot among them. Number 1415, to be precise.
I went over to the space a couple of weeks ago, in the
midst of the big snowstorm, and I took some photographs for you.
The place doesn’t look anything like a restaurant yet, so don’t
get too excited. I just thought you might like to see it in all
its various stages, from ladders and dust (right now) to the day
the doors open (in early spring, we hope). If you’d like to view
any of the photographs in a larger size, just click on them.
Right now, Brandon is working on pretty boring things:
picking out toilet fixtures, submitting applications for various
permits, and scraping down the popcorn ceiling. But I think
there’s often something beautiful about boring things, like
light fixtures and painter’s tape.
Or a mural of two ships, sailing peacefully across the
wall above the main door. Once we start painting, I have a
feeling it won’t be there anymore.
There are also lots of buckets. Soon they won’t be there
anymore either. I won’t miss them.
Here’s a prep table. It holds the all-important bag of
Cool Ranch Doritos. And in the back there, you can see the three-compartment sink
that will go in the kitchen. When Brandon brought it from the
restaurant supply store, it fit into our friend Bonnie’s car by
mere centimeters.
And here are Brandon’s new best friends, a surgical mask
and a scraper, his tools for removing the gnarly popcorn
ceiling. (He had it tested for asbestos, and it came back safe,
so please don’t worry.) They’ve spent lots of hours together,
that man, that mask, and that scraper. Personally, I like
spending time with the boom box on the chair. While I took this
photograph, it played Bruce Springsteen’s “Glory Days” for me.
I think that’s all for now, but when we have more to show
and tell, we certainly will. There are more Restaurant Days to
come, for sure.
In the meantime, here’s to a warm and bright New Year! I hope your 2009 is even better than you can imagine. Thank you, always, for being here.
Like winter and warmth
Hi, friends. I’m writing this from Oklahoma City, from my old bedroom in my mother’s house, where I used to, as a teenager, write gushy poems about 18-year-old boys with sideburns. I had a real thing for 18-year-old boys with sideburns. I don’t anymore. I now have a thing for whiskey-soaked dark chocolate Bundt cakes. They hold their liquor better. Among other things. I can’t talk for long today, because we arrived in Oklahoma around ten o’clock last night and then stayed up too late talking, so I’m tired. I still can’t believe that we even got here, given how snowed-under Seattle is right now. The day before we left, we watched people snowboard down the hill on 65th Street…
Read moreLook at that
I’ve been sitting here for the past twenty minutes, trying to figure out how to start this post. I hate it when this happens. I have nightmares about it, even. Well, let’s see. How about a photograph? Maybe it will jump-start something. One can hope. One can also, while hoping, tiptoe over to the fridge and steal some of the peppermint bark in that photograph, even though it’s supposed to be saved for holiday gifts. That’s another option. Just don’t tell Brandon, because I told him earlier today that he couldn’t have any. Then again, he’s over at the restaurant space right now, drinking a beer and eating Cool(!) Ranch(!) Doritos(!) while he rips out the carpet, so it’s really…
Read moreFor that very reason

I don’t know where to begin. You people spoil me. Do you know that? Brandon and I cannot even dream of how to adequately thank you for the immensely kind and utterly galvanizing comments you left in response to The Big Restaurant Announcement. Some of you even sent e-mails, offering advice, encouragement, and hands-on(!) help(!). I’m still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. Thank you. Or rather, I mean, THANK YOU. If I could hire a plane to write it in the sky, I would, because that would best capture the magnitude of the sentiment. But we have a budget to stay within, you understand. So, onward we go, right? I will keep you posted, I promise,…
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