housekeeping – Orangette Mon, 15 Feb 2016 19:29:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ahhhh, finally Mon, 14 Dec 2015 19:22:16 +0000 This post is to point out something that, well, if you’re reading this, you’ve probably already noticed: Orangette, the old gal, got a facelift. The feel of this site is important to me, as I know it is to you, and I hope you’ll find the new look as clean, calm, and pleasant as the old one.  The whole idea here was not to add tons of bells and whistles and shiny things, but simply to make this site easier to use and more useful for all of us.  You’ll see that we now have a real, honest-to-goodness recipe page, and that recipes are categorized not only by ingredient(!), but by season(!), by course(!), and even occasionally by holiday.  (You’ll also see that…

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A quick couple Mon, 10 May 2010 23:29:00 +0000 Hi. I wanted to say a quick couple of things. First, a last-minute reminder for my neighbors in Ballard and the other good people of Seattle and the surrounding area: I’m giving a talk and reading tonight, May 10, at the Ballard Library. It’s free and open to the public, and it starts at 6:30 pm. (In case you’re confused, not to worry: this is the event that was originally scheduled for April 18 and had to be postponed.) Secret Garden Bookshop will be there to sell books, and miracle of miracles, I’ve even convinced Brandon to come and listen, though he has to listen to me talk every single day and it’s his night off and he would rather…

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