oats – Orangette https://orangette.net Fri, 25 Dec 2015 03:21:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 Maybe he’s right https://orangette.net/2014/04/maybe-hes-right/ https://orangette.net/2014/04/maybe-hes-right/#comments Sat, 26 Apr 2014 08:18:00 +0000 https://elitemporaryblog.wordpress.com/2014/04/26/maybe-hes-right This is the fifth granola recipe I’ve posted on this blog. Five. Five! Four more than anyone needs! I cannot be stopped! I’ve turned into your annoying great-aunt, the one who tells the same boring story about Eisenhower every Thanksgiving, over and over and over and over and over. I even have the requisite small crotchety dog and a banana-yellow Formica kitchen, circa 1960. My transformation is complete. I’ve been making granola regularly, at least once or twice a month, for something like fifteen years. I’ve gone through several recipes and versions, from the lowish in fat – a tragic notion that, I now believe, goes against the whole concept of granola – to the intricately spiced, thoroughly nutted, and…

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https://orangette.net/2014/04/maybe-hes-right/feed/ 111
The right buttons https://orangette.net/2014/01/the-right-buttons/ https://orangette.net/2014/01/the-right-buttons/#comments Fri, 31 Jan 2014 23:53:00 +0000 https://elitemporaryblog.wordpress.com/2014/01/31/the-right-buttons Before we get started: thank you for your comments on my previous post, and for sharing so many good tips and ideas about feeding families. May I say that you all seem like great parents? You seem so sane. (Sanity! Sometimes I think it’s the highest goal.) I’m going to get unbecomingly sappy for a minute and say, yet again, how happy I am to have this space, this community of sorts. I know I’ve said it before, but I think about it even more often than I say it. I also think about leftover oatmeal muffins. I think about leftover oatmeal muffins even more often than I think about oatmeal, which is inconvenient, because you obviously have to have oatmeal…

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https://orangette.net/2014/01/the-right-buttons/feed/ 101
A good person to know https://orangette.net/2014/01/a-good-person-to-know/ https://orangette.net/2014/01/a-good-person-to-know/#comments Sat, 11 Jan 2014 04:26:00 +0000 https://elitemporaryblog.wordpress.com/2014/01/10/a-good-person-to-know I first met Megan at a conference, I think? I’m a real loser when it comes to conferences – crowds make me feel like hiding under furniture, and my brain is a wide-mesh sieve for faces and names – but I think that’s how it happened. We met at a conference, and at some point down the line, she happened to hire our friend Sam to do the website for her granola company Marge, and at some point further down the line, Megan and Sam started dating, and at some point down the line from there, she became Our Friend Megan. I hope she will still be Our Friend Megan after I post this picture of her and Sam being pummeled…

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https://orangette.net/2014/01/a-good-person-to-know/feed/ 141
We have a rhythm https://orangette.net/2013/03/we-have-a-rhythm/ https://orangette.net/2013/03/we-have-a-rhythm/#comments Mon, 25 Mar 2013 01:24:00 +0000 https://elitemporaryblog.wordpress.com/2013/03/25/we-have-a-rhythm June is six months old. She has two teeth, monstrous thighs, and is my favorite person in the world. Totally predictable, I know, but I really never thought I would say that about someone who spends most of the day drooling and pulling my hair.  Sometimes she looks at me tenderly, places a dimpled hand on either side of my face, and then lunges forward, giggling, and savagely bites my nose.  She suits me so well.  Really, she’s perfect for me.  We have a rhythm. I sent my revised manuscript to my editor in the final days of February. A few days later, we lost our manager at Delancey and Essex. Though losing a staff member always makes me and Brandon…

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https://orangette.net/2013/03/we-have-a-rhythm/feed/ 211
A small revolution https://orangette.net/2013/01/a-small-revolution/ https://orangette.net/2013/01/a-small-revolution/#comments Fri, 25 Jan 2013 22:15:00 +0000 https://elitemporaryblog.wordpress.com/2013/01/25/a-small-revolution You good, good people. Before I say another word, I want to thank you for your many comments, your e-mails, and the incredibly kind card – a real, three-dimensional paper card – that one of you sent to me at Delancey. Your kindness blew me away. I thought for a long time before deciding to write that last post, and I want to thank you for making me feel not only safe in deciding to do it, but very, very glad. I remember my doctor saying to me, one day in mid-December, that I would not only recover, but that someday soon, I might even have a hard time remembering exactly what postpartum depression felt like. Though he’s been my…

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https://orangette.net/2013/01/a-small-revolution/feed/ 246
Essex https://orangette.net/2012/08/essex/ https://orangette.net/2012/08/essex/#comments Thu, 23 Aug 2012 21:05:00 +0000 https://elitemporaryblog.wordpress.com/2012/08/23/essex I MADE IT! By which I mean, I managed to not go into labor before, in the middle of, or in the days immediately following the opening of Essex. VICTORY. I imagine that I will very soon start cursing the fact that I am still pregnant, but for now, I feel like I should be given a medal, or a cocktail. Since neither is a viable option, I made myself a pan of flapjacks and ate a quarter of it in one sitting. I haven’t written a lot about Essex here, not because it has felt like any less of a big deal than Delancey, but because the first half of this year, which was when the project began to move forward,…

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https://orangette.net/2012/08/essex/feed/ 208
You know me well https://orangette.net/2012/05/you-know-me-well/ https://orangette.net/2012/05/you-know-me-well/#comments Fri, 04 May 2012 23:52:00 +0000 https://elitemporaryblog.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/you-know-me-well My manuscript is due on June 1.  Hello from the Cave – or, as I first typed, “Hell from the Cave,” which has a nice slasher-movie ring to it.  Hi. For those keeping track, no, you are not crazy: the book was supposed to be due in March.  I had to ask for an extension, unfortunately, because of the small human under my shirt who makes me very tired, and because there’s been a difficult health situation in my family.  2012 came in roaring, and though I wish it would settle down and start acting its age, I doubt it’s going to.  I am, however, going to FINISH THIS BOOK.  If I can stay awake long enough. Each night, when…

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https://orangette.net/2012/05/you-know-me-well/feed/ 219
The best part of the job https://orangette.net/2012/03/the-best-part-of-the-job/ https://orangette.net/2012/03/the-best-part-of-the-job/#comments Wed, 21 Mar 2012 21:49:00 +0000 https://elitemporaryblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/21/the-best-part-of-the-job I am supposed to be writing a manuscript, not baking rye crumble bars. No more rye crumble bars no more rye crumble bars no more rye crumble bars no more rye crumble bars no more rye crumble bars. When I found out that I was pregnant, I asked my publisher to extend my deadline, which was supposed to be March 1. I wasn’t sure how ill I would feel, but I’d heard plenty of pregnant lady horror stories, and I thought it was best to plan for the worst. Happily, I wasn’t very ill, but I was very unproductive. I was very, very tired. One morning, when the alarm was going off and I showed no signs of movement, Brandon…

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https://orangette.net/2012/03/the-best-part-of-the-job/feed/ 186
I am here to tell you https://orangette.net/2012/01/i-am-here-to-tell-you/ https://orangette.net/2012/01/i-am-here-to-tell-you/#comments Thu, 26 Jan 2012 07:30:00 +0000 https://elitemporaryblog.wordpress.com/2012/01/26/i-am-here-to-tell-you First things first: thank you for the well wishes! That cold was a real heavyweight champion, the type that takes you down so hard that, for five or six days, your eyelids never make it above half-mast. I’m so glad that’s behind me. Though I did sneeze twice as I was typing that last sentence. A couple of years ago, not long after we opened Delancey, back in the days when I was still cooking there every night and trying to write on the side and living on pizza and cookie dough and adrenaline and contemplating a third career as a mass murderer, my friend Brian came to Seattle. I guess I should specify that we weren’t really friends yet;…

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https://orangette.net/2012/01/i-am-here-to-tell-you/feed/ 268
It still surprises me https://orangette.net/2011/08/it-still-surprises-me/ https://orangette.net/2011/08/it-still-surprises-me/#comments Sun, 14 Aug 2011 23:45:00 +0000 https://elitemporaryblog.wordpress.com/2011/08/14/it-still-surprises-me So. I think it would be fair to say that your comments on my last post made me very, very happy. It feels much less lonely in here, and I have you to thank for that. More than anything, I just love that we can talk about this kind of stuff. When I first started writing here, more than seven(!) years ago now, I had no idea where this weird blog thing of mine would go. It still surprises me. I’m glad you’re here, and I’m glad I am, too. It also surprises me how many totally so-so recipes I tried last week. Absolutely nothing worth telling you about. So-so chicken, so-so apricots, so-so beans. And then, while I was…

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