Comments on: The days are twice as long Fri, 15 Jan 2016 22:40:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emilia Sun, 28 Sep 2014 04:18:35 +0000 I love that you make a donation to mark Delancey's anniversary – what a great idea! I just finished reading your second book & was so impressed to see all the heart and soul that was poured into that place. Brava!

By: Libby Tue, 07 Jan 2014 01:10:54 +0000 I haven't remembered to check in here for a while, but man, I still love your writing. You make me smile.

By: Libby Tue, 07 Jan 2014 01:10:54 +0000 I haven't remembered to check in here for a while, but man, I still love your writing. You make me smile.

By: Heather Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:19:51 +0000 WONDERFUL! Hedgebrook is such a great cause, and I love seeing writers whose work I love taking advantage of their radical hospitality. They're getting my end of year check.

By: Heather Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:19:51 +0000 WONDERFUL! Hedgebrook is such a great cause, and I love seeing writers whose work I love taking advantage of their radical hospitality. They're getting my end of year check.

By: V Smiley Thu, 21 Nov 2013 03:05:53 +0000 warms my heart to see pix of hedgebrook, the dining table especially. i moved up from CA to cook there and learn about artist residencies. those nights, when dinner was made and the cook got to sit with the writers for a moment to eat, hearing them talk about where they wandered or what they wrote that day ( like the fiction writer who at hedgebrook was suddenly writing poetry for the first time in their life) was the sweetest for me. i think i got fired because i made odd, experimental food. not what writers in retreat want to eat it turns out! there is definitely a knack to that kind of cooking and i did not have it. after meeting all dietary restrictions, it was about cooking something nurturing, familiar and inspiring. but i was too young at the time to realize how important the nurturing part is. Hope you get to go back! They have this fig tree in their garden that sometimes comes through in early September and the kitchen dries them and they are candy! i would sneak them and sneak them. so if you see them, can you grab a few extra for me?

By: V Smiley Thu, 21 Nov 2013 03:05:53 +0000 warms my heart to see pix of hedgebrook, the dining table especially. i moved up from CA to cook there and learn about artist residencies. those nights, when dinner was made and the cook got to sit with the writers for a moment to eat, hearing them talk about where they wandered or what they wrote that day ( like the fiction writer who at hedgebrook was suddenly writing poetry for the first time in their life) was the sweetest for me. i think i got fired because i made odd, experimental food. not what writers in retreat want to eat it turns out! there is definitely a knack to that kind of cooking and i did not have it. after meeting all dietary restrictions, it was about cooking something nurturing, familiar and inspiring. but i was too young at the time to realize how important the nurturing part is. Hope you get to go back! They have this fig tree in their garden that sometimes comes through in early September and the kitchen dries them and they are candy! i would sneak them and sneak them. so if you see them, can you grab a few extra for me?

By: Ashley Sat, 16 Nov 2013 05:57:59 +0000 Hello Molly, thank you for sharing about Hedgebrook – I live in Seattle and want to go there so badly! My question is – how did you get to go there for just 2 days? I looked at their website and it seems it is required to go for 2 to 6 weeks?
I want to go, but could not miss that much work, really only a few days, but even 5 days there would be incredible! The other question is – I'm assuming you must have written a lot to have a chance of being accepted? My problem is, that although I dream of writing day and night, and it is my goal, I never get the chance to actually DO it. Some days I just get so depressed that my life never lets up and lets me actually do what I yearn for – to WRITE! But going someplace like Hedgebrook would allow me to – but it seems a vicious cycle, because unless I have written, I cannot get accepted :-(. Any suggestions?? Thank you so much!!

By: Ashley Sat, 16 Nov 2013 05:57:59 +0000 Hello Molly, thank you for sharing about Hedgebrook – I live in Seattle and want to go there so badly! My question is – how did you get to go there for just 2 days? I looked at their website and it seems it is required to go for 2 to 6 weeks?
I want to go, but could not miss that much work, really only a few days, but even 5 days there would be incredible! The other question is – I'm assuming you must have written a lot to have a chance of being accepted? My problem is, that although I dream of writing day and night, and it is my goal, I never get the chance to actually DO it. Some days I just get so depressed that my life never lets up and lets me actually do what I yearn for – to WRITE! But going someplace like Hedgebrook would allow me to – but it seems a vicious cycle, because unless I have written, I cannot get accepted :-(. Any suggestions?? Thank you so much!!

By: Tuscan Olive Grove Girl Tue, 12 Nov 2013 08:52:54 +0000 What a lovely blog and a lovely post. I'm very happy to have discovered you.
