Comments on: I do, deviled eggs Thu, 24 Sep 2015 03:54:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick Sun, 06 Dec 2009 13:59:36 +0000 I just made these and I have to say that they didn't turn out exactly as I hoped.

The yolk mixture was pretty runny and didn't really set up correctly. I guess it could've been something I did, but I'm pretty sure I followed the recipe.

I dig the idea though. I'm gonna work on it some more I think.

By: Anonymous Tue, 14 Aug 2007 00:02:00 +0000 Omg xD yeah but why do they call it “Deviled” eggs? T_T I Love Them OMFG Who Wouldnt? =O Sue Young Thanks For The Wasbai Stuffed Eggs Recipe I Might Try It =D

By: Anonymous Sat, 24 Jun 2006 02:34:00 +0000 So yummy! Deviled eggs held a special place on our Seattle wedding menu as well. I loved the way they were presented – cut in half the short way (like little cups of deviled love) and placed on a bed of chives. Beauty and simplicity! Congratulations on your upcoming nupuals and love your site!

By: Molly Sat, 17 Jun 2006 20:37:00 +0000 You’re not odd at all, nika: you’re SMART! And your wedding reception sounds wonderful.

By: nika Sat, 17 Jun 2006 14:51:00 +0000 We had deviled eggs at our very low key BBQ wedding reception and they are what I remember most/best. A good friend made them and they were DIVINE! I think all weddings should serve deviled eggs, but I may be odd that way 🙂

By: Molly Tue, 13 Jun 2006 06:21:00 +0000 J. Bo, you are after MY VERY HEART. I want a shameful number of Depression glass egg plates and a family tradition of yeggs! [Brandon, are you reading this?]And Guru, thank you.

By: Guru Mon, 12 Jun 2006 22:10:00 +0000 What a beautiful blog! Congratulations!!!!!

By: J. Bo Mon, 12 Jun 2006 11:28:00 +0000 Oh, I know I’ve come late to the devilish egg discussion, but I DO love them so!I admit these eggs tend to be my project with the assembled kids at family Thanksgivings, and experience reveals that the young’uns LOVE using the star-tube-in-zip-top-bag application for filling the eggs (or “yeggs,” as the younger ones have called them). It can get a little giggly and messy, but more fun is not to be had under any circumstances… and the results are are DAMNED TASTY, TOO!In MY family tradition, we do hard-cooked eggs according to the method of the late great Sainted Julia Child, smush up the yolks extra smooth with homemade mayo, Dijon or (my preference) Gulden’s mustard, a hint of garlic (use your rasp grater!), finely ground black pepper, a squirt of Tabasco or Sriracha and– CRUCIAL INGREDIENT ALERT!!– some liquid smoke. Paprika or chopped chives or parsley get sprinkled on top, depending on whose kitchen I’m occupying.I’ve got a shameful number of Depression glass egg plates– you know, the kind with the molded indents to hold your deviled treasures– and every year I obsess over which one to use. I’m thinking perhaps one of them belongs on your reception table…SO, Miss Molly… here’s to wonderful “yeggs,” a wonderful wedding, and wonderful family traditions of your own making.

By: Molly Sat, 10 Jun 2006 16:24:00 +0000 Nah, Trish, it’s not weird. Egg salad can be chunky and lumpy and often faaaar to mayonnaisey – deviled eggs are much smoother going down, I’d say. And as for the wedding, I’m so glad that you understand. When I tell people our date, they often question me on such a long engagement, but to us, it seems perfectly logical – and much more enjoyable! Brandon and I both have <>a lot<> going on in the coming year – his moving to Seattle being the least of it! – and we just want to enjoy the process. Cheers to you and your husband, and to details.SweetSarahJ, your husband is not alone. My dear Brandon – gasp! – probably won’t be eating any of these either. He has mayonnaise “issues,” among other things, and he’s wary of hard-boiled eggs. But don’t worry about him – he has his own must-have food ideas for the reception and dinner, so we’ll get all of our favorites: mine, his, and ours.86 days away, astillac – congratulations, and godspeed! Very, very exciting. And how nice to have had a deviled egg conversion along the way…Natalie, I hear you. In my experience, these little babies just fly off the serving platter – or maybe it’s only because I’m eating them all?Briana, I <>love<> the idea of your sexy Sunday moment over deviled eggs – hot damn. And as for, thank you for the tip! I hopped over there and spent nearly an entire hour poking around, looking at her links, etc. She also makes some lovely invitations. Yum.Kickpleat, I must have known, but I had forgotten that you and Cornelius were married only so recently! Congratulations, my dear, and happy, happy (early) anniversary.Brian Gardunia, I love the mental image of that – a bunch of little boys hiding out with their deviled eggs! I’m sure that, had I been there, I would have been busy doing the same. Too cute.

By: Brian Gardunia Sat, 10 Jun 2006 15:19:00 +0000 I just can’t imagine deviled eggs without red pepper covering the tops of the eggs. we used to have them at every family gathering: funerals and weddings. My brothers and I used to eat them by the snuck handful along with black olives and as many slivers of pie we could get away with.Congrats on the upcoming wedding!
