Comments on: Lima beans, long overdue
Thu, 24 Sep 2015 03:54:07 +0000
By: Anonymous
Wed, 29 Jun 2011 17:26:27 +0000 know I am late to the party on this post, but it got me thinking…there are some things you should never apologize for, and I personally feel garlic breath is one of those things. This is why it is important to fall in love with someone who loves garlic as much as you.
By: Anonymous
Wed, 29 Jun 2011 17:26:27 +0000 know I am late to the party on this post, but it got me thinking…there are some things you should never apologize for, and I personally feel garlic breath is one of those things. This is why it is important to fall in love with someone who loves garlic as much as you.
By: Stephanie R.
Wed, 30 Mar 2011 18:29:03 +0000 orangette, i love that when i needed an amazing recipe for lima beans, i knew you could help me out. cheers!
By: Anonymous
Sat, 12 Apr 2008 22:27:00 +0000 love this recipe. First time we tried it we used fava beans, and in place of the parsley we used cilantro (I almost always try to follow a recipe perfectly the first time, but it seemed a shame not to use all the cilantro in the garden). YUM! I will be using this recipe every Spring from now on (with fava beans and cilantro, we love them so). Thank you!!
By: Margie
Thu, 29 Jun 2006 04:54:00 +0000 fortunately stumbled upon your site after looking for dutch baby pancakes on google. I am not a fan of lima beans, but I just moved back to my childhood home of Oklahoma City. I will gladly lift a large chocolate malt from Braum’s in your honor. Shall I also add a cherry limeade from Sonic?
By: Molly
Wed, 21 Jun 2006 04:48:00 +0000, you’re most welcome. I hope that’s a happy memory.Tea, sometimes I think I should just come right out and dedicate Orangette to underdog vegetables! I seem to keep writing about them…Marc, I am <>so<> sorry to hear of your migraines! No cheese, chocolate, or lima beans? I wonder what the common thread might be. How interesting – and, I imagine, frustrating. Harumph!
By: Marc
Mon, 19 Jun 2006 15:40:00 +0000 love lima beans–I just wished they loved me. For some reason, they cause migraines in some people, and I think I may be one of them (I get them from cheese, ice cream, chocolate, coffee, and I believe, lima beans).But they are so good that sometimes I need to take the chance and try them out. Thanks for the recipe! Maybe when I know I’m not doing anything for the next couple of days, I’ll try it. ;-b-MH< HREF="" REL="nofollow">Boston’s Hidden Restaurants<>
By: Tea
Tue, 06 Jun 2006 02:59:00 +0000, I didn’t know it was possible to make lima beans look so sexy! You’ve given the underrated lima a new life, Molly.
By: Emmet
Fri, 02 Jun 2006 15:02:00 +0000 person I was supposed to marry cooked lima beans like that. Before that, I didn’t really consider them edible. Just reading that, I can taste them, and all the other little pots of vegetables he would keep going on the stove.Thank you.
By: Molly
Thu, 01 Jun 2006 22:59:00 +0000, you and Nicolette and your text messages and Holy Grails are too funny. Thank <>you<>!bcinfrance, what’s this about lima beans with maple syrup? I love lima beans, but I’m not sure how to feel about that! How is it?Miz Hatbox, I’m so glad that you – and your husband – approve. Three cheers for lima beans and their leftovers!Dee, your lentils – with, mmm, Spanish sausage – sound delicious. Many thanks for posting the recipe.Robert Nanders, I’m so sorry to be a tease! But maybe you can find limas after all – have you tried the frozen section?Kaya, I’m so jealous of you, what with that enormous family garden – even if it did lead you to overdose on limas! I hope this recipe will usher in a new era for you and the lowly bean. And as for Braum’s, I know what you mean. Many shakes, many scoops…