Comments on: A handy life strategy, dinner included Thu, 24 Sep 2015 03:54:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:46:48 +0000 thanks for that red salad recipe. i had made it quite a few times a number of years ago and loved it passionately. i am having friends over for dinner and thought about making it and looked on her site but couldnt locate the recipe, i kept looking under red cabbage…and kept getting a heated one. then i thought i will just try to remember it and at the last minute i remembered that it was called red salad. i dont have radishes so i used red peppers sliced and will throw a handful of dried cranberries in at the end. hooray i was so happy to find it, many thanks, suzy

By: Anonymous Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:46:48 +0000 thanks for that red salad recipe. i had made it quite a few times a number of years ago and loved it passionately. i am having friends over for dinner and thought about making it and looked on her site but couldnt locate the recipe, i kept looking under red cabbage…and kept getting a heated one. then i thought i will just try to remember it and at the last minute i remembered that it was called red salad. i dont have radishes so i used red peppers sliced and will throw a handful of dried cranberries in at the end. hooray i was so happy to find it, many thanks, suzy

By: HadleyEG Fri, 22 Oct 2010 09:38:27 +0000 Molly,

I have just moved to France, and am still in my month of living at the high school where I am teaching English. The BTS students I share my kitchen with are very nice, but not at all tidy. It hardly matters, though, because we have only 2 burners and a microwave at our hands. I cannot cannot cannot wait to move into my apartment so I came make all the recipes from your November 2005 archives! Thank you for loving brussel sprouts and sausage!

By: Clare Thu, 08 Jan 2009 01:15:00 +0000 Um, can I just say YUM?!??!???!I will be making this A LOT, let me tell you. I will also be making your carrot salad (had that last night) and your asian noodle salad with roasted eggplant (had that the night before) a whole heckuva lot.Molly, I gotta tell you, you have made me enjoy cooking. I am totally serious here. I absolutely love your blog…it’s my first stop for new recipes. Before I found it, I never enjoyed cooking, as much as I tried. But I have seen the light, lady, and it’s because of you!Now, I have to go eat my salad.

By: Molly Sat, 12 Nov 2005 23:55:00 +0000 Tara, it is <>never<> too late for adopting Nigella-esque hairstyles and Nigella-speak! I mean, really, if I hadn’t had to do those dishes, I might well have been in front of the mirror, trying to coax my here-there-but-not-everywhere waves into perfect, buoyant, ladylike curls. Then again, perhaps the dishes were a good thing after all.Gigi, fellow daughter of a no-sugared-cereals mom, merci mille fois. As you know, this post was a bit reluctant in its birthing, so your midwifing was greatly appreciated, as always!Foodiechickie, I agree on all counts. I don’t yet own any Donna Hay, but well, Christmas is on its way! And as for Martha, you know, I have nothing but appeciation for her. She is a little stern and stiff, but bless her, she taught me to make < HREF="" REL="nofollow">pate brisee<>! What a woman.Melissa, I too resisted Nigella. I only bought <>Feast<> very recently, despite having used a number of her recipes from the <>New York Times<> and elsewhere. Sometimes she is just too cute and too perfect, and that doesn’t always work to her advantage. But in the end, I’ve been won over by her recipes, plain and simple. And she has a lovely, intimate writing style. And yes, that chocolate banana cake is pretty fine–it’s homey goodness done right. Kickpleat, I remember your post about that salad! I actually followed the link from it to the recipe, and I too made it and loved it. This is a subtle twist on that, with a red theme, and the radishes are a great addition. More than anything, I admire how well-balanced the flavors in the dressing are. Nigella has a very trustworthy palate, I find.Johanna, maybe there will be reruns?Dawna, my sentiments exactly! Sometimes eating your words winds up tasting pretty good…Michele, I’ll have to see if I can find some of her old shows on video or something! I’ve only seen one or two episodes, and neither involved pajamas! Grrrr.

By: Michèle Mon, 07 Nov 2005 08:07:00 +0000 Molly, very funny story! I always loved to hate Nigella. And I relished the moment at the end of the episodes where she would sneak down to the kitchen in her pj’s and stuff her face with whatever it was she had made during that episode. It was so not befitting of a proper English woman, and it was as naughty as it got on a cooking show. Ok, so maybe I loved her more than I hated her.. its true..

By: Dawna Mon, 07 Nov 2005 02:15:00 +0000 I was a bit reluctant to like Nigella at first – I’m not really sure why. I think it was all the glamourously silver blank pages in “How to Eat.” I did, however, get completely sucked in eventually. First, because the food on her tv show looked so delicious, and secondly, because a friend living in London had become a fierce devotee. Then I started trying her recipes, which, as you say, work beautifully. Now, I own my own copy of Feast, and have a lot of recipes ear-marked for testing. Everything I’ve tried has been delicious.

By: Johanna Sun, 06 Nov 2005 22:39:00 +0000 gosh, I love Nigella. I wish they still aired her show on Style!

By: kickpleat Sun, 06 Nov 2005 21:43:00 +0000 This is a nice twist to her Vietnamese chicken cabbage salad, of which I’m such a fan. But this is much much prettier! I love all the pink and red and I couldn’t think of a better meal for a northwest winter!

By: Melissa Sun, 06 Nov 2005 17:24:00 +0000 Beautiful post! I’ve always strangely resisted liking Nigella – despite the fact that I surreptitiously read her cookbooks in the store and have even been known to get out of bed early on Saturdays to watch her on TV – but your unashamed devotion has got me doubting my resolve. Maybe I’ll just have to try this recipe and see for myself. p.s. Is the banana chocolate cake really <>that<> good?
