Comments on: When in a jam Thu, 24 Sep 2015 03:54:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Molly Thu, 07 Oct 2004 21:23:00 +0000 Pipstar, add it to the list! I’m kicking myself for leaving the leftovers with Kate and Ian. I’m crazy about those two, but what was I thinking? It must have been the Red Stripe-induced euphoria.

Evan, glad to see you here—even if only guilt made you do it. [Grrrrrrrr…] Always happy to induce salivation. And spread the gospel of selectively good grammar. Yes.

And Amy, it’s a long long story. Radically condensed version: the bastard called me at 8:45am and caught me trying to negotiate an armload of bag, ratatouille, Les Savy Fav, and the phone. Claimed to be from my wireless provider, saying I had an overdue balance. I was suspicious from the start and actually did get testy with him, but I just had too much going on to be fully “with it.” I said I wouldn’t pay over the phone, but he knew all the usual and official things to say, and well, I figured that even if he was a fraud, what could he do with only the last four digits of my SS#? Hot damn, now I know. But even if I feel like an idiot, I’m proud to have sniffed out the rat from the start…which is why I looked into it as soon as I got to my office. [By the way, this business of having an office is pretty hot stuff. I mean, fancy building, my own phone line, computer, windows that look out on a concrete wall. I correct other people’s punctuation all day, and I’m ruthless. Hot stuff, I am.]

By: amylou Thu, 07 Oct 2004 20:39:00 +0000 Shit, this is so “The Net.” Do people really steal social security numbers, and how in the hell does one go about buying a cell phone with one?

I’m glad you got your identity back before it was gone too long. Oh, and butter cake? Yum.

By: hoojeebo Thu, 07 Oct 2004 11:27:00 +0000 Ever since I blithely commented to you that everyone has a blog site these days, I’ve regretted it. So I checked yours out, partly out of guilt. I admire the way you write, possibly because it makes my mouth water when words so rarely do. (I never thought cauliflower could sound so delicious.) And yes, I too now have a blog site, I too am now part of the dismissable “everyone”. And yes, I do adore starting a sentence with “And”, grammar school be deviled. Me thinks I’ll keep reading. Hold on to that identity with a tight little fist. TTFN

By: pipstar Thu, 07 Oct 2004 02:27:00 +0000 Oh you poor thing! You are SO lucky that you found out what Mr Evil Liar-Man was doing so quickly!

I bet the cake made you feel so much better -it definitely sounds delicious. Am I going to have to add another Molly recipe to my list of “must-dos”?
